January 5th 2015
1 Malcolm Tyre (1.5+) – Ian Marks (2.5)
2 Alistair Maxwell (2.5) – Mike Harkins (1.5+)
3 George Livie (2) – Peter Watson (2)
4 Allen Taylor (2) – Alec Waddell (2)
5 John Topping (1+) – Alan Stewart (2)
6 Harvey Dellanzo-Stewart (1.5) – Alex Millar (1+)
7 Mac McKenzie (1) – David McGill (1)
8 Jim Fay (.5) – Billy Humphries (1)
9 Peter Lavelle (0) – Neil Corrigan (0)
Peter Watson is the only person who said he couldn’t make this date so if there is anyone else unable to make it please let Alistair and your opponent know as soon as possible.
George, if you can rearrange with Peter that would be great.
There are 2 outstanding games from round 3 and these if possible should be completed by the end of January. Let Alistair know of any problems.
If anybody spots any glaring errors please let Alistair know asap !