Club Championship 2018-19 Round 4 results

These games scheduled for 7 January 2019:

1 Peter Watson (2+) draw Allen Taylor (3)

2 Alan Stewart (2.5) draw Paulius Serelis (2+)

3 James Cairns (2) 0-1 Mike Harkins (2)

4 Ian Marks (2) 1-0 John Topping (2)

5 Malcolm Tyre (2) 1-0 Hassan Rafiq (2)

6 Mac McKenzie (2) draw Michael Roger (1.5)

7 Stan Beaton (1) 0-1 Alex Waddell (1)

8 James Fay (1) draw Aleem Azam (1)

9 Neil Corrigan (1) 1-0 Peter Lavelle (1)

10 Cameron Smith (0) 0-1 Andy McCallum (0)

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